Summer Camp 7/14/2008
Monday the 14th started out swell with a little warmer weather which all of the scouts found nice and
refreshing. After the flag ceremony the scouts discovered that the Wonderbread patrol had compiled
the most points and won honor patrol. After that the troop had delishous scrambled eggs and corn
beef hash for breakfast. Advancement time followed breakfast until the fabulous chow line featuring
choice meats and cheeses. Quickly a patrol game was assembled, knot tying!!!! After tying some
sweet knots the BKB patrol came out on top. Next came taking the swimming test which was
freezing. After swim test were completed advancement was had on the waterfront and elsewhere.
An assembly was then called and a fire building contest was had, where the BKB patrol once again
was declared the winner. Scrumdiddiliumtious chicken was made and devoured after the fire was
built. Then came advancement time, PLC meeting, and a fire ceremony. Then the scouts went to bed
ready for tomorrow.